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Tuesday series led by Jan Stegner

We see an all-male cast throughout Jesus’ ministry, Triduum, Jesus’ life and events surrounding his death and resurrection. Women’s stories seem to have taken a back seat to the interests and needs of male writers and male leaders in Christian churches over the centuries. During this series, we will be looking at four significant women throughout the Easter season.

Here is the schedule of dates and themes – (9:30 am to 2:00pm):

  • April 3: Mary of Bethany

The sister of Martha and Lazarus, Mary was the one who sat at the feet of Jesus as Martha worked the kitchen serving Jesus a meal. Mary’s story is found in all four gospel accounts. Mary anoints the feet of Jesus BEFORE his crucifixion, almost as if she is getting his body ready for burial. Mary teaches us to have a deep love for Jesus, and to sit and listen to the word of God. How is our busyness and hectic schedules, our racing thoughts and demands taking away our treasured and cherished tire with Jesus?

  • April 10: Mary Magdelene

She was the FIRST to witness the risen Christ. A Jewish woman who traveled with Jesus and his followers. She was one of the closest to witness Jesus’ crucifixion. Within the Gospels she is named at least 12 times, more than most of the apostles. She is also surrounded with much controversy. Who is Mary Magdelene? What can we learn from her? How are we like her?

  • April 17: Mary, The Mother Of Jesus

With her FIAT, her YES, she agreed to the obligation of raising the Son of God and ALL that came with that responsibility, even witnessing her beloved son die on the cross. She was there, she walked the walk and witnessed all as painful as it must have been. A quiet strength, and a woman filled with courage, love, and hope. We journey with her today, looking at her darkest hours, yet filled with hope and love.

  • April 24: My Personal Walk With Jesus

Where do I fit into Jesus journey, his walk from life, to death, and resurrection? How is my life connected to the 3 women of Easter? Today, we will meditate on these questions, we will walk the labyrinth and take in the outdoor Stations of the Cross. We will do some self-reflection, some meditation on our roles, responsibilities in this life, and we will ponder ways to grow closer to Christ.

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