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Soul Food Zoom event Saturday, Feb. 18, 11:15-12:30

“Visions of Oneness” is the topic of a Zoom presentation followed by discussion on Saturday, February 18, 11:15am-12:30 pm.  All are invited to explore the meaning of oneness, in all its forms – between humankind and nature, between us and our creator, and between one another.  The Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81544361061, passcode: soulfood. Please share with your friends and neighbors.

Soul Food is a multi-perspective program that provides us an opportunity to unite in a tranquil environment and to reflect on inspiring themes and common threads that tie us all together.  Begun in Australia, Baha’i inspired, and now presented around the globe, it features music, audio-visual pieces and readings from faiths and philosophers, authors, leaders and indigenous cultures, from all over the world.

The purpose of Soul Food is to inspire us to transform our lives, families, neighborhoods and communities, with ideas that encourage us and with actions that promote the unity and betterment of society.

All are welcome to join the program, sharing your own thoughts and experiences.  For information contact Ruth Ahearn ruth_ahearn@comcast.net or leave a message at 925-705-7304.

~A program of the Baha’is of Walnut Creek

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