A tenet of all religions is to care for our fellow humans. We are all our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. Social justice is at the core of every faith's teaching.
Since the 1970’s the Social Justice Alliance (SOJA) has been working with various social justice groups in Contra Costa County. Its members support worthy causes and do group advocacy with these other groups.
SOJA members are typically members of these other organizations such as: East Bay Housing Opportunity (EBHO), Multi-faith Action Coalition, Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy (FAME), California Interfaith Power and Light and the Poor Peoples' Campaign. It monitors various social justice issues across the County and is a liaison with I4C, informing I4C leadership and the Elected Council of the activity on these issues.
SOJA also monitors the work of governments at all levels. This means sitting through long City Council or County Board of Supervisors’ Meetings, including the subcommittees. It also means knowing the intricate workings of state government in Sacramento and monitoring new legislation and lobbying for worthwhile measures,
The main issues we focus on are:
Affordable housing
Racial justice
Law enforcement reform
Income equity
Gun control
Climate change
Join us! SOJA meets on zoom the third Wednesday of every month, 6 - 7 PM. To join SOJA come to a meeting or contact Dennis Wasco 925 852-5280 or dennis.wasco@sbcglobal.net.