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History, Organization and Covenant

We are an interfaith community, people from a diversity of religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions, gathering to manifest our unity as we promote the spirit of community and service through Caring, Diversity and Compassion to our Contra Costa Community.  




The Interfaith Council (I4C), formerly known as the Council of Churches, was originally organized for the primary purpose of providing chaplaincy ministries in various county institutions on behalf of local congregations.  The Council became interfaith in 1997, widening its membership to include congregations and faith organizations that represent the growing pluralistic population of Contra Costa County.  The council remains committed to supporting the religions and communities in our county.  Program areas have expanded to include our ICARE.




I4C has 109 congregations and organizations holding membership and affiliation from a wide range of faith traditions and life philosophies, including Agnostic, Atheist, Baha’i, Buddhist, Hindu, Humanist, Islamic, Jewish, Non-Theist, Paganisms, Sikh, Sufi, Religious Science, Unitarian Universalist, Unity and a plurality of Christians, including Catholic, Christian Science, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, New Thought, Pentecostal, Protestant and Orthodox.  


The Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County (I4C) is an autonomous local organization overseen by its own Governing Board of Directors, with an advisory and consultative Elected Council of representatives, who are drawn from its 108 member congregations and organizations, and elected at the I4C annual meeting. The Governing Board meets monthly and provides leadership in the sacred work of the Council.  With members of diverse faiths, gender and race, the Board builds and provides a sacred container that through its leadership, will nurture the growth towards a world of interfaith peace.


The Elected Council meets monthly and all are invited to participate in those meetings on the second Thursdays of the month at 8:30 to 10 am online.  (Normally we meet in the Fellowship Hall at Hillcrest Congregational Church UCC, 404 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.).  The Elected Council meetings are open to the public and members of any congregation.


Register in advance for the Elected Council meeting’s zoom link, unique to you at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Most of our online programming is recorded.  To see the recordings on our YouTube Channel, please visit here:


I4C Covenant

     In solidarity with one another, we each affirm:

1)      Our gatherings are interfaith gatherings. We come together from diverse communities to be inspired and transformed by the rich diversity of the faith traditions.

2)      We commit ourselves to compassionate and active listening as we engage in respectful dialogue. We welcome those who might differ from us, seeking their wisdom and insights.

3)      Each of us shares in the privilege of growing in interfaith love and understanding. Our working together for a common cause brings us together in peace.

4)      We are responsible for the work and outreach of the Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County. The Governing Board provides the necessary oversight and will be attentive to the Elected Council’s ideas, wisdom, and suggestions.

5)      We will strive to support and participate in the various outreach programs sponsored and supported by the Interfaith Council.

6)      We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards as we grow together in trust and respect for one another.

7)      Our time together is the practice of interfaith understanding, cooperation, and respect. We hope our time together will bless one another, our community, and the world.


It is our hope that this living document, which, as we grow in knowledge and awareness, will be reviewed and updated regularly (this was updated in March., 2023); that it may bring our commitments to each other and all we serve in every interaction with a sacred regard for one another and all life.

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