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Dear Bay Area leaders,

We invite you to join ING to learn more about becoming a speaker in the Intercultural Speakers Bureau (ICSB), a new ING program that promotes inclusive and equitable communities. The trainings are now meeting virtually via Zoom on Tuesday, March 17th or Tuesday March 24th from 7:00 – 8:15pm.

The ICSB organizes panels of two or more representatives from various religious and cultural backgrounds to examine the roots of Islamophobia in anti-Blackness and anti-Semitism, and the interconnectedness of other forms of bigotry. The panels conclude with calls to action to counter prejudice and hate while building an inclusive society based on mutual understanding and solidarity. Panels are held in schools, colleges, universities, and other venues.

For more information and to register for the trainings, click on the date that works best for you:

Will you consider joining the bureau by attending one of the sessions and forwarding this invitation to those in your networks through email and social media? Following are pieces of info you can use to publicize the events?

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