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Peace for our Planet – A new Approach
By the renowned author Dr. Roya Akhaven
On Sunday, Dec. 10 at 7 PM
At the Baha’i Center in Concord.
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When we look at the world today, what is most visible to us is a process of collapse and disintegration reflected in the news we hear about violence, racial and religious prejudice, extremist movements, and terrorism.  On the other hand, the Baha’i teachings depict for us the vision of a world in which all forms of racial, religious, and national prejudice have been eliminated and the human dignity of all people has been recognized; A world in which all nations collaborate with each other based on a body of international law; And, a world in which peace and unity of humankind has been realized.

Given the contrast between these two visions— one of disintegration and collapse, and the other of advancement toward an ideal civilization – a question arises that must be answered: Is this vision of a peaceful world merely a utopia and a result of our pious hopes and dreams, or is it an achievable goal? And if we are saying that it is, indeed, an achievable goal, what are the empirical evidences that can provide us with a foundation for hope and empower us to act as catalyst in bringing about a more just and peaceful world?
Short Bio
Dr. Roya Akhavan currently serves as Professor at the Department of Mass Communications, St. Cloud State University. She is an award-winning educator and scholar whose research has been published in top national and international journals. Dr. Akhavan is a frequent speaker on world peace, social justice, gender equality, and spirituality in the 21st century. Her recent work includes two books entitled Peace for Our Planet: A New Approach (2017) and The Trumpet Blast: Removing the Veil from the Advent of the Promised One (2022). Dr. Akhavan has lived and worked in four different cultures: Persian, American, Japanese, and Chinese. She currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Download the flyer here: Peace for our Planet- A new Approach

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