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Poetry & Prayer

Please join us Monday, February 27th at 12:30pm (PT) for a poetry reading that will explore the intersections between poetry and prayer in the Islamic and Jewish traditions, taking poems by Rumi, Ibn ‘Arabi, and Yehuda Amichai as our primary examples. In keeping with the vision of the Madrasa-Midrasha Program we will also focus on how poetry enacts encounter, not only between writer and reader, but also between the human and divine realms and between religious traditions. This event will feature Naomi Seidman (Chancellor Jackman Professor of the Arts, University of Toronto) and Nargis Ali-Virani (Associate Teaching Professor of Arabic, Emory University).A light lunch will be provided for those who attend in-person. Click the link below for more info, and to register to attend in-person or via Zoom.

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