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Sustainability Day was created to remind and educate communities about the importance of caring for our environment. The Sustainability Week Coalition has brought together Walnut Creek organizations advocating for personal, environmental, and community health to build on that idea and celebrate a Sustainability Week in conjunction with announcing the winners of the Eco-Art Initiative for youth. They have worked to provide online presentations and events that give us ideas on steps we all can take to increase the sustainability of our lives and help to save the health of our planet.


Holding an annual week of sustainability events demonstrates the leadership by the City of Walnut Creek in sustainability actions. The events will attract residents from WC and neighboring communities, along with visitors to San Francisco and the Bay Area, and they will stay to eat, shop, and enjoy Walnut Creek. Sustainability Week will increase awareness of the diversity of actions and organizations that promote healthy living, such as biking for transportation and recreation, using sustainable products, and eating sustainably (as promoted by Meatless Mondays). The community activities will boost our spirits and help in the recovery of downtown WC from the adversity of nearly two years. Hosting Sustainability Week is kept affordable by harnessing the tremendous volunteerism of our community organizations.

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