SURJ CCC – Justice Reinvestment: Public Safety and Racial Equality


How do we change our public safety system in Contra Costa County? How do we prioritize justice transformation, moving funding from the harm that oppresses Black and Brown communities and towards resources that will uplift everyone? Ali Saidi, civil rights advocate and defense attorney, will talk about “Reimagine Public Safety [...]


Organ Donor Registration Drive in Honor of Tyrell Wilson’s Gift of Life

Danville Congregational Church (UCC) 989 San Ramon Valley Blvd, Danville, CA, United States

People from all communities are invited to come celebrate Tyrell Wilson's gift of life and register to become an organ donor, if not one already. Through his passing, Tyrell was able to save four lives by donating his liver, kidneys, pancreas and heart. One of those lives he saved was [...]
