Generations Connect!


Generations Connect Contra Costa is a project designed to bring younger and older people together online to learn about online safety, strengthen intergenerational relationships, and implement a project together. Why is an intergenerational approach important?  Younger and older people often report feeling lonely and a sense of isolation.  Younger and [...]


Sign up for Lenten Virtual Camino Pilgrimage

San Damiano Retreat 710 Highland Dr., Danville, CA

Sign up now! San Damiano invites you to take one or more spiritual walks, hikes or bike rides with the route and distance of your own choosing between Ash Wednesday, February 17th and Holy Saturday, April 3rd. This is virtual, so there will not be organized groups or specific times [...]


Crab Feed-To-Go at San Damiano Retreat

San Damiano Retreat 710 Highland Dr., Danville, CA

Order by February 10 Cracked Crab – 1 1/2 lbs per person Green Salad Pasta Marinara French Bread & Butter Cocktail Sauce & Lemons **Price: $50 per person **Pick up at San Damiano Retreat Prior to  February 12, we will notify you of a more precise pick-up time and other [...]


Housing as a Faith Principle – EBHO

Join EBHO's Faith and Justice Committee for a panel discussion on Housing as a Faith Principle. Featured Speakers: * Leslie Gleason: Executive Director of Trinity Center, a non-residential program serving homeless and working poor adult men and women in Walnut Creek and Central Contra Costa County. * Min. Demitrius Burnett: Associate [...]


Soul Food


Soul Food provides an opportunity to unite in a tranquil environment and reflect on inspiring themes and common threads that tie us all together. It features live music, audio-visual pieces and readings from faiths and philosophers, authors, leaders and indigenous cultures, from all over the world. The purpose of Soul [...]
