Restoration with Isaiah 51

San Damiano Retreat 710 Highland Dr., Danville, CA

Beginning August 5th, we will meet for an hour and fifteen minutes in four consecutive sessions to explore, commune and find renewal in God’s Word.  ZOOM classes meet at noon PDT on August 5, 12, 19 and 26. Our presenter is Walt Sears, who recently led a Job bible study [...]


Community Conversations – Defusing Hatred, Everyday Peacemaking and Courageous Conversations programs online


Community Conversations – Defusing Hatred, Everyday Peacemaking and Courageous Conversations programs online with the Tri-City Interfaith Council (Fremont). The Defusing Hatred Program Learn nonviolent communication skills in a safe environment and develop tools for responding to uneasy situations and hate speech. Wednesday, July 21st at 7 pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyday Peacemaking [...]


Restoration with Isaiah 51

San Damiano Retreat 710 Highland Dr., Danville, CA

Beginning August 5th, we will meet for an hour and fifteen minutes in four consecutive sessions to explore, commune and find renewal in God’s Word.  ZOOM classes meet at noon PDT on August 5, 12, 19 and 26. Our presenter is Walt Sears, who recently led a Job bible study [...]


Soul Food – Baha’is of Walnut Creek


Soul Food provides an opportunity to unite in a tranquil environment and reflect on inspiring themes and common threads that tie us all together. It features live music, audio-visual pieces and readings from faiths and philosophers, authors, leaders and indigenous cultures, from all over the world. The purpose of Soul [...]


Restoration with Isaiah 51

San Damiano Retreat 710 Highland Dr., Danville, CA

Beginning August 5th, we will meet for an hour and fifteen minutes in four consecutive sessions to explore, commune and find renewal in God’s Word.  ZOOM classes meet at noon PDT on August 5, 12, 19 and 26. Our presenter is Walt Sears, who recently led a Job bible study [...]


“Peace Begins with Me” Retreat

San Damiano Retreat 710 Highland Dr., Danville, CA

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21. The United Nations General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Come join Brother Mark Schroeder for a weekend retreat [...]
