Dear friends,

Marilyn Underwood from the county recently called me about tragic loss of life at a congregational Thanksgiving Dinner last year, and so she has prepared a letter to our county congregations to remind us all of the county statutes on food borne diseases and what constitutes a private event versus a public event.

Please read this Letter, also linked below in pdf format, and share with your congregational leadership to make sure you are in compliance.

If you have questions, please contact her office at 925.692.2500 or go to

“Envisioning a World of Interfaith Peace.”




Shalom, Peace, Salaam, Om Shanti, Solh, Amani, Paz, 평화, Ping On…

Rev. Will McGarvey
Executive Director • 925.597.9797 mobile


Letter regarding Temporary Food Permits dated 11.07.17