Trinity Center Shelter issued orders to stop serving donated food!  Please help! 

​All public Shelters in Contra Costa County have been ordered to stop accepting and serving donated food except from permitted commercial kitchens. No home cooked or baked foods can be accepted.  

(This policy doesn’t pertain to the Winter Nights Shelter as it isn’t open to the public.)

Trinity Center has been hit very hard as 100% of the meals served at the Center have been donated. To continue to feed 3 meals a day to 50-60 people, Trinity Center is purchasing food from permitted facilities pushing the food budget over the limit. We are giving out more canned and prepackaged food from our food pantry so supplies are running low. While we are working on a resolution to this issue with EHS, we are asking for cash donations, food gift cards, and canned-ready to eat food to help. Shelters in the County cannot accept cash donations but can accept canned food, ready to eat meals or gift cards. ​

If your faith community can provide some additional financial aid to help Trinity Center provide meals through this temporary situation, please send your donations to Trinity Center, 1924 Trinity Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. Donations can also be made online via credit card For non-cash donations to County Shelters, visit their websites.

February 14, 2018
Mary Fenelon, TC Board Secretary