We Got Next! Why Hip-Hop is Global WITH Dr. Halifu Osumare


We Got Next! Why Hip-Hop is Global with Dr. Halifu Osumare February 28th at 1 pm. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArfuGvpj8vHNXlqO5qnEiC4giSkcj4i7w9 Dr. Halifu Osumare is Professor Emerita of African American & African Studies at University of California, Davis, and has been a dancer, choreographer, and cultural activist for over forty years. She is recognized [...]


Tyrell Wilson Memorial Gathering

Sycamore Valley Road Park & Ride Sycamore Valley Road @ I-680, Danville, CA, United States

Danville cannot forget Tyrell Wilson and Laudemer Arboleda.  Join us as we continue to remember these young men whose lives were stolen by police violence. Bring flowers, signs, family and friends.
